May Happy Hour!

It’s Spring at long last—late May should be perfect weather for an outdoor happy hour—with plenty of indoor space if we do need to escape rain/hail/wind/tornado or anything else that Central Ohio can throw out there!!

Jody Keefe Ryan and Rocky Amicon

Jody Keefe Ryan and Rocky Amicon

Molly Siemer Carty and Kathy Picl Rosati

Molly Siemer Carty and Kathy Picl Rosati


Wednesday, May 25, 2022
4:00 PM til ?
Woodlands Backyard Bar
668 Grandview Avenue, Columbus 43215
(614) 488-2114

A couple dozen attended our April get-together. Hopefully with the weather improving and the ability to be outdoors we will see an even larger crowd this month! We are all getting older, but for certain we’re still young-at-heart! Would love to see as many of you as possible! Please spread the word!!


Gathering This Week!

Stop the Presses! Searching for a less noisy yet public gathering place, we’ve scheduled a get-together at the Don Tequila Mexican Grill in Upper Arlington at 3140 Kingsdale Center, 43221 (next to First Watch). And it’s this week— Friday October 29 arriving between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m., staying until ??

Optional drinks, optional food, mandatory fun.

If you’ve been to our recent gatherings this summer, you’ll know that we’ve had a fine turn-out and lots of enjoyment catching up with the greatest bunch ever… so all of us, cancel your other engagements (grab the next flight, some of us?) and come say hello. What could be better? We hope to see you Friday!

Monthly Gathering

Anyone present at our August late afternoon gathering will report what a great and fun time we all had. Growing each month, this seemed to be our highest turnout yet! Some faces that we haven’t seen in a while were able to make it. It was fun to spend a little time catching up with everyone.

Due to the COVID variant that seems to be determined to cause havoc, we’re not scheduling an event for September. Hopefully October will bring better days and the resumption of our time together!

On a happier note, for our 55th Anniversary Class Reunion, the weekend of July 9, 2022, is the date preferred by those in attendance at our last get-together. Any and all comments welcome!

August Gathering

Mark the date: Friday late afternoon August 27. Yogi’s Bar & Grill, 1126 W Henderson, 43220 (corner of Kenny & W. Henderson Roads). 

We start gathering between 3:30 and 4:00; people are wandering out by around 6:00— it’s informal, stay as long as you like. Food and drinks are available from the menu, optional, your call. The point is to see the guys and gals with whom we spent our high school years… share what’s been happening, what’s important. Time to renew acquaintances and relive (or not!) memorable teenage experiences. What’s going on now? Remember those who have passed before us into eternal life.

If you’re in contact with other alums, check to see whether they received this notice— if not, make sure they forward their email address for us to include. Also, if a classmate passes away, let us know and we’ll get the word out on our website. Everyone is cherished.

Rumblings are starting about how to celebrate our 55th (!) anniversary next summer— share your thoughts, join in the conversation. All ideas are welcome!

The turnout at our gatherings seems to grow larger each time, and we hope to see you on the 27th!

Mid-Summer Gathering

Our monthly get-together is scheduled for Friday, July 30, arrive 3:30–4:00 pm (or whenever you show up!) at Yogi’s Bar & Grill, 1126 W Henderson, 43220 (corner of Kenny & W. Henderson Roads). We had a decent showing in June and are anticipating even more this month… please spread the word. It’s a great time to reconnect with everyone after the “year that wasn’t” in 2020!

It will be wonderful to see any and all who are able to make it!

February Meet-Up

New Year, holidays are over, Super Bowl will be forgotten, time for more fun with Watterson ’67 classmates.

Those of us who haven’t fled the winter weather will be meeting for lunch at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday February 19, 2020, at Miller’s Ale House (1201 Olentangy River Road, 43212).

For those who haven’t been to our lunchtime get-togethers, we keep it informal; stand or sit as you please, table or bar, move around or stay put, whatever moves you. Eating is optional, beverages are optional, good times are not! Middle of the week, middle of the day, centrally located, fun for all. We hope you can make it! 

Any questions, email us from our website »

November Lunch

Hi All! We’re doing lunch in November a little different. Since some of you who no longer are in Columbus may be in town for Thanksgiving, we decided to have our gathering on Tuesday, November 26th in hopes that anyone who normally can’t make it will be able to do so this month!  Unless you hear otherwise, we’ll be at Miller’s Ale House, 1201 Olentangy River Road around 12:30.  Also, the December lunch will be on Wednesday the 11th. Again, same time & place unless another location is found. 

Last month, Larry Guglielmi brought a photo album with some old memories to share! Lots of laughs as we recalled days gone by – along with stories to the best of our abilities! So if any of you still have pictures around, please bring them along!

As usual, any questions please feel free to email me. And please pass this on to anyone not in the email. There are so many missing but we do the best we can with what we’ve got! 

—Kathy Picl Rosati

Kathy Picl Rosati

Kathy Picl RosatiUpon leaving Watterson, my journey took some interesting twists and turns, as most of ours do. College was not in my future, but marriage and children were. I like to think I earned my degree in “life”. My sons, Jason 45, and Tony 32, have given me four grandchildren ~ Max and Quinn, 16 and 15 from Jason, and Camila and Vale, almost 6 and 2, from Tony. All who live within 20 minutes ~ which will most likely keep me grounded in Central Ohio indefinitely! At times throughout the years, I’ve felt at odds with myself over not having continued my education or dedicating myself to a “career”, but am finally at peace with the path I’m on and can think of no better legacy than my sons and grandbabies (which they’ll always be regardless of age!). I am in constant awe of them. My sons are kind, loving, caring and sensitive men. They share their lives with amazing women and their sense of family is strong and true. So I guess I’ve done something right along the way!

Both of my sisters and their families live nearby. We are a tightly knit bunch who spend as much time together as we possibly can. It is, ultimately, all about family. The love, laughter and support we give to one another are priceless.

Kathy Picl RosatiThe business classes I took at BWHS—typing, shorthand, even Freshman Latin with that sweet little nun who watered her artificial flowers, turned out to be assets as I held several jobs throughout the years as a legal secretary (no “administrative assistants” in those days) in Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland. Truly, this was an education in itself. It was a different time for a young woman in the working world. Looking back it always astounds me that we put up with what we did. I suppose those times have been instrumental in making me the feminist I am today!

I’ve been fortunate to be able to travel quite a bit over the years to Italy, Hawaii, many lovely hide-a-ways in the Caribbean and here in the States and loved doing so, but am always happy to be home again. I’d like to head to the mountains in the near future—something different!

Kathy Picl RosatiThe 10 years or so after high school were full of life, friends, and youth. We thought it would remain so. The exuberance and infallibility of that youth saved me from veering too far off my path. Time does have a way of showing us that we are not, after all, in complete control of our lives. Stuff happens. And I had my share of it. But along the way I learned how to cope. Not only did I work hard, play hard, party a bit too hard at times, marry, raise two families, love deeply, and ultimately divorce twice ~ but I survived. I live in a lovely home out in the woods off of Hoover Reservoir—just me and my German Shepherd, Bishop. I treasure the haven I’ve created for myself. Found strengths I never knew I possessed and am able to pursue knowledge of ideas without fear of judgment. I’ve discovered that I very much like this latest chapter in my life as a single woman!

I lost touch with the Watterson crowd for a long time, but within the last few years have found that the friends we make during those high school days never really disappear. We just all got older and wiser. Well, definitely older!

I am so looking forward to the reunion and reconnecting with even more of you. 50 years of life to catch up on. I can’t wait!!