Happy Hour 2023!

Hoping many of you are able to join in for our first Happy Hour of 2023! We’ve been waiting for warmer days so we can meet up on a patio for drinks, food and conversation!!

Wednesday May 17th
3 ~ 7 p.m.
Bravo Italian Kitchen (Lennox)
*Large patio as well as inside bar area*

1803 Olentangy River Road
Columbus 43212

Wednesday Get-Together!

Now that the excitement from our 55th Anniversary Reunion has subsided, and Phil Mumm is paying a visit, it’s time to get together again. All alumni and family and friends are welcome. As always, it’s an opportunity to share experiences, 1963 and since, with those of us who have fallen out of contact or are in our daily golf foursome, and everywhere in between.

When: Wednesday October 5; 4:00 p.m.
Cost: None, unless you wish to order food or beverage.
Where: Rusty Bucket Restaurant & Tavern
4109 N. High Street, 43214 (keeping it close to home!)
West side of High Street near Glenmont Ave., south of BWHS, north of Whetstone Park & Library.

Phil, having been away for awhile, promises to be there. If you’re in town or close-by, come and enjoy the fun times.

May Happy Hour!

It’s Spring at long last—late May should be perfect weather for an outdoor happy hour—with plenty of indoor space if we do need to escape rain/hail/wind/tornado or anything else that Central Ohio can throw out there!!

Jody Keefe Ryan and Rocky Amicon

Jody Keefe Ryan and Rocky Amicon

Molly Siemer Carty and Kathy Picl Rosati

Molly Siemer Carty and Kathy Picl Rosati


Wednesday, May 25, 2022
4:00 PM til ?
Woodlands Backyard Bar
668 Grandview Avenue, Columbus 43215
(614) 488-2114

A couple dozen attended our April get-together. Hopefully with the weather improving and the ability to be outdoors we will see an even larger crowd this month! We are all getting older, but for certain we’re still young-at-heart! Would love to see as many of you as possible! Please spread the word!!


55th Anniversary RSVP

The final attendance count is needed in less than 4 days (May 9, before 3:00 p.m.) for our 55th Anniversary Class of ’67 Reunion in July. We already have a large number of RSVPs, yet not everyone has checked in, so if you have not already done so, we’d like to hear from you; please RSVP to Tracie. If you’re bringing a spouse/guest, please include their name with your RSVP.

Event Details

Bishop Watterson Class of 1967 Reunion
Saturday July 9, 2022; 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Griggs Boathouse
3033 Thoburn Road, Columbus 43221

The $60 (p/p) fee includes food (cookout catered by PC Events on the Scioto River, a beautiful location!), adult as well as non-alcoholic beverages. And some of the best people around! We anticipate having music of some sort (preferably we can talk Jimmy Lee out of retirement for one more gig!) Come on Jimmy! You can do it! If not, we’ll supply other music.

Payment is made to Tracie McGarity via either Venmo or a check (3800 Lyon Dr, Columbus, OH 43220). If any questions, call me at (614) 395-9777. We will take walk-in guests who pay at the door but greatly prefer prior payment! We look forward to seeing you in two short months, or maybe even at the upcoming May get-together.

— Tracie McGarity

Class Reunion 2022

Here are more detailed plans set for our Class Reunion at our 55th Anniversary:

Bishop Watterson Class of 1967 Reunion
Saturday July 9, 2022; 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Griggs Boathouse
3033 Thoburn Road, Columbus 43221

Casual Cookout
Catered by PC Events
$60 p/p; Cash Bar

It is now less than six months away, so make sure it’s in your calendar now and start to make any arrangements to attend. We’re so looking forward to spending the evening together! See more details»

Gathering This Week!

Stop the Presses! Searching for a less noisy yet public gathering place, we’ve scheduled a get-together at the Don Tequila Mexican Grill in Upper Arlington at 3140 Kingsdale Center, 43221 (next to First Watch). And it’s this week— Friday October 29 arriving between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m., staying until ??

Optional drinks, optional food, mandatory fun.

If you’ve been to our recent gatherings this summer, you’ll know that we’ve had a fine turn-out and lots of enjoyment catching up with the greatest bunch ever… so all of us, cancel your other engagements (grab the next flight, some of us?) and come say hello. What could be better? We hope to see you Friday!

Save the Date for the 55th!

Hello classmates!

It was encouraging to have received all the positive responses from my email suggesting a Grand Reunion for next summer’s 55-year anniversary of our graduation. Thank you to all those who were able to reply so quickly! So…

Save the Date—I have now reserved the Griggs Boathouse on the Scioto River (just south of the Fishinger Road bridge) for July 9, 2022, from 5:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. It’s a great combination indoor/outdoor facility.

If you have not already, please check your calendar and email me (if possible in the next couple days) Tracie McGarity with your ability to attend and include an estimated number in your party. As mentioned earlier, our thoughts are to keep it on the casual side and to include as many of our classmates (and family) as possible. Any ideas are welcome… Thank you!


55th Anniversary Reunion

Hello classmates!

Next summer marks the 55th anniversary of our graduation. We are planning a grand reunion although we are planning to keep it on the casual side.

Tentative date could be Saturday, July 9, 2022, yet appropriate venues are quickly filling up. This post is just an inquiry to determine how many might attend so that we can reserve the optimal venue.

Please email (if possible in the next couple days) to Tracie McGarity with your interest in attending and the estimated number in your party. Thank you!

Monthly Gathering

Anyone present at our August late afternoon gathering will report what a great and fun time we all had. Growing each month, this seemed to be our highest turnout yet! Some faces that we haven’t seen in a while were able to make it. It was fun to spend a little time catching up with everyone.

Due to the COVID variant that seems to be determined to cause havoc, we’re not scheduling an event for September. Hopefully October will bring better days and the resumption of our time together!

On a happier note, for our 55th Anniversary Class Reunion, the weekend of July 9, 2022, is the date preferred by those in attendance at our last get-together. Any and all comments welcome!

August Gathering

Mark the date: Friday late afternoon August 27. Yogi’s Bar & Grill, 1126 W Henderson, 43220 (corner of Kenny & W. Henderson Roads). 

We start gathering between 3:30 and 4:00; people are wandering out by around 6:00— it’s informal, stay as long as you like. Food and drinks are available from the menu, optional, your call. The point is to see the guys and gals with whom we spent our high school years… share what’s been happening, what’s important. Time to renew acquaintances and relive (or not!) memorable teenage experiences. What’s going on now? Remember those who have passed before us into eternal life.

If you’re in contact with other alums, check to see whether they received this notice— if not, make sure they forward their email address for us to include. Also, if a classmate passes away, let us know and we’ll get the word out on our website. Everyone is cherished.

Rumblings are starting about how to celebrate our 55th (!) anniversary next summer— share your thoughts, join in the conversation. All ideas are welcome!

The turnout at our gatherings seems to grow larger each time, and we hope to see you on the 27th!